Workspace Management

How do I manage a workspace? How do I access a workspace?

Workspace Roles

Each user in the workspace has one of the following designated roles:

Workspace RoleDescriptionPermissions
OwnerEach workspace has one owner. This is the person who is:
- The main contact for this workspace
- Responsible for managing the users, datasets, and data within a workspace
- Financially responsible for the workspace
- Designate the first Administrator
- All permissions of Administrators and Collaborators
AdministratorEach workspace can have multiple administrators who can help to manage the users and teams within the workspace.- Invite users to the workspace
- Remove users from workspace
- Promote/ Demote users to Administrators
- Add users to the Publishers Team
- Create/ Remove Teams
- Add users to Teams
CollaboratorMost users within a workspace are Collaborators- Access and utilize Pennsieve platform data management features
- Be invited to datasets
- Access datasets shared with all Workspace users
- Create datasets
- Can be added to Teams
GuestExternal workspace users permitted restricted access to specific datasets- Access restricted only to datasets they own or for which they have been specifically invited to collaborate on within the Workspace
- Cannot access datasets shared with all Workspace users
- Cannot create new datasets
- Cannot be added to Teams

Workspace Access

Sending Workspace Invitations

The Workspace Owner and Administrators can grant users access to their workspace by sending an invitation using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the People menu, click Send Invitation:

  1. Enter the prospective Workspace user's information and click Confirm:

What happens now that a Workspace invitation has been sent to a user?

  • A popup banner will let you know that that the Pennsieve Platform has automatically sent an email invitation to your team member.
  • The user will receive an email from Pennsieve notifying them that they have an invitation. See the next section Accepting Workspace Invitations for more details.
  • The users have 30 Days to accept their workspace invitation

How do I know if a user has accepted their Workspace invitation?

In the People menu, an invitation status is listed next to each user:

  • Pending: A user has not yet accepted the workspace invitation and completed their account setup and is still within the 30-day invitation window. Administrators can Resend Invite by clicking on the link next to the invitation status.
  • Expired: A user did not accept the workspace invitation and complete their account setup within the 30-day invitation window. The workspace invitation has expired and the Administrators need to Resend Invite by clicking on the link next to the invitation status.

Accepting Workspace Invitations

Pennsieve workspace invitations are automatically sent by email from [email protected]. Invitations expire in 30 days. Need help? Contact your workspace Administrators or Pennsieve Support at [email protected] for assistance.

What if I receive a workspace invitation but I don't have a Pennsieve account yet?

Invitees without a Pennsieve Account linked to the email address provided will receive information on account setup along with their workspace invitation. Clicking Complete Registration from the email prompts the user to register for a Pennsieve account and will automatically accept the workspace invitation.

See our Pennsieve Account Management article for details on how to create and manage your account.

What if I receive a workspace invitation and already have a Pennsieve account?

Invitees with a Pennsieve Account already linked to the email address that received the workspace invitation will be provided with information about their new workspace.

Workspace User Management

Workspace Owners and Administrators can change manage a workspace member by clicking on the ellipses next to the member's name and choosing an action:

  • Update a member's name and title
  • Promote a Collaborator to an Administrator
  • Demote an Administrator to a Collaborator
  • Delete a member from the workspace

Organizing your Workspace

The Pennsieve platform provides you with the flexibility to manage your workspace to optimally protect your multi-modal data and support your workflow.


Teams are groups of users within a workspace that can be granted access to a dataset with the same permissions. If you find yourself constantly adding the same users to your datasets, create a Team to simplify your process.

Each workspace is required to have a Publishers Team to approve a Dataset Owner's Request to Publish a dataset.


A Dataset on Pennsieve is the single entity that a user can publish to a public repository. Pennsieve provides flexible permissions at the dataset level to support privacy within a Workspace. Check out the Dataset Management section for details on all of the feature we offer.

Multiple Workspaces

A user can belong to multiple workspaces with just one Pennsieve Account.

Learn how to switch between workspaces in the Pennsieve Account Management article.