Workspace Feature Set

Workspace related features on the Pennsieve Platform

Workspace management

Get / List workspacesGuestUsers can see a list of workspaces they belong to.
Update a workspaceOwnerThe owner of a workspace can update workspace information
List workspace membersCollaboratorList all members of a workspace
Create / update / delete custom data use agreementsOwnerA workspace owner can specify custom data use agreements for datasets published in the organization.
Get dataset status optionsGuestAll users can see the available dataset status options in a workspace.
Create/update/delete dataset status optionsOwnerA workspace owner can create a custom list of dataset statuses. This can be used to implement custom workflows for data curation.
Create DatasetCollaboratorCollaborators can create new datasets in a workspace. Guest users can only be added to existing datasets, or be assigned a dataset through the open repository dataset proposal workflow.
Create / Delete TeamsCollaboratorCollaborators can create teams within a workspace to facilitate group permissions on datasets. Only Collaborators and Owners can be added to a team.
List Teams and Team membersGuestAll users of a workspace can see a list of teams in the workspace.
Get Workspace MetricsCollaboratorCollaborators can see metrics related to the workspace.

User account management

Add/Remove users to/from workspaceOwnerOwners can invite users to join a Pennsieve workspace
List users for workspaceCollaboratorCollaborators can see all users that are invited to a workspace
Create / Update / Delete TeamCollaboratorCollaborators can create teams to organize users for easy sharing of datasets
Get/Update user infoGuestAll users can see and update their account information
Associate ORCID account with userGuestAll users can associate an ORCID account with their profile on Pennsieve
Associate Github account with userGuestAll users can associate a GitHub account with their profile on Pennsieve
Create / List / Delete API TokensGuestUsers can create API tokens that allow them to programmatically interact with the platform

Publication team management

Each workspace has a "publication" team. This is a special team in the workspace that has permissions to accept and reject publication steps in the dataset publication workflow. This team is typically managed by the owner of the workspace or the Pennsieve team for the open repositories. More information about publishing datasets can be found here: Data Publishing.

Invite / Remove users to / from publication teamWorkspace owner
Approve / Reject Dataset Publication requests (new version, revision, removalDataset Publication Team